ECOLOGICAL HOTEL - Hotel Rural Monnaber Nou Mallorca


ES MIRADOR RESTAURANT - restaurant 1 - Hotel Rural Monnaber Nou Mallorca
Oliva therapy - 2014 10 21 16.48.18 - Hotel Rural Monnaber Nou Mallorca
Oliva therapy
ES MIRADOR RESTAURANT - restaurant 1 - Hotel Rural Monnaber Nou Mallorca
Oliva therapy - 2014 10 21 16.48.18 - Hotel Rural Monnaber Nou Mallorca
Oliva therapy

Green is not only the field that surrounds us, but also our philosophy

As managers of Monnaber Nou we know that we must commit ourselves to environment. For this reason we apply an Ecological Agricultural and Hotel Management – known as “Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability” – to all our actions through an ecological, responsible and ethical consumption of natural resources.
In the following paragraphs we will tell you about all the actions currently deployed in order to minimize our CO2 emissions and to thereby reduce energy consumption, the use of renewable energies at our hotel and our rational use of water in order to contribute to protect the environment and achieve a symbiosis with nature:
  1. A solar plate system which enables us to save up to 60% of solid fuels for domestic hot water and the Spa.
  2. Electrical disconnector switches to avoid electricity consumption while the rooms are unoccupied.
  3. No chemical fertilizers.
  4. Three chimneys with wood from the pruning of our trees to heat the hotel’s shared rooms.
  5. Recycling of all containers, glass objects and organic waste.
  6. Use of low-consumption lamps.
  7. Certification of Ecological Agriculture throughout the whole extension of our finca (150 ha).
  8. Ecological pool for the reutilisation of the water consumed in the hotel to water the gardens and pastures.
  9. Both at the breakfast buffet or in our restaurant, our clients can taste all the ecological products grown in our finca, such as oil, more than 30 different seasonal fruit and vegetable sorts, lamb or suckling pig.
  10. Natural pollination through our beehives.
  11. Rehabilitation of cultivation terraces and stone walls to avoid erosion.
  12. Recovery of endangered autochthonous species such as the “Porc Negre” (black pig) and the Majorcan sheep.
  13. Reforestation of fields and forests by planting over 1000 autochthonous trees.
  14. Mediterranean gardens with autochthonous plants which adapt better to our climate and need less water.
  15. Recovery of paths and tracks.
In short, at Monnaber Nou we are seriously and responsibly committed so that your holiday has no negative impact on the environment; on the contrary, we make you part of our environmental protection project.