Route Hotel Monnàber Nou – Campanet

Expansion of the Spa and relaxation area at Hotel Monnàber Nou - DSC00973111111 - Hotel Rural Monnaber Nou Mallorca
Expansion of the Spa and relaxation area at Hotel Monnàber Nou
Semana Santa - Easter 2017 - davallamentpollena - Hotel Rural Monnaber Nou Mallorca
Semana Santa – Easter 2017
Expansion of the Spa and relaxation area at Hotel Monnàber Nou - DSC00973111111 - Hotel Rural Monnaber Nou Mallorca
Expansion of the Spa and relaxation area at Hotel Monnàber Nou
Semana Santa - Easter 2017 - davallamentpollena - Hotel Rural Monnaber Nou Mallorca
Semana Santa – Easter 2017

Discover the secret places of Campanet

The ECO Hotel Monnaber Nou offers a range of hikingtours or mountain biking in and around the town of Campanet. In this Post we would like to offer you one of our most requested routes, the round trip through the village of Campanet. A way you can go on foot or by bicycle. The itinerary takes you through the different zones of the village where you can enjoy the landscape, the culture and the architecture.

You will find all necessary information on how to carry out this route and more, at the reception of the hotel. We will be happy to explain the various routes and to give you further recommendations so that you can enjoy your excursion as much as possible.