The best tennis in Monnàber Nou

Semana Santa - Easter 2017 - davallamentpollena - Hotel Rural Monnaber Nou Mallorca
Semana Santa – Easter 2017
Ironman 70.3 Mallorca - mapa con horarios de cierre nirvana ironman 70 3 mayo 2017 cast - Hotel Rural Monnaber Nou Mallorca
Ironman 70.3 Mallorca
Semana Santa - Easter 2017 - davallamentpollena - Hotel Rural Monnaber Nou Mallorca
Semana Santa – Easter 2017
Ironman 70.3 Mallorca - mapa con horarios de cierre nirvana ironman 70 3 mayo 2017 cast - Hotel Rural Monnaber Nou Mallorca
Ironman 70.3 Mallorca

The tennis courts in a setting with the Sierra de Tramuntana on the Horizon

Tennis is very popular at the moment. When we speak in Mallorca of tennis, we speak of 2 of the number 1 world players over the past years that the island of Majorca has produced, Carlos Moyà and Rafael Nadal. At Monnaber Nou, we have 2 very beautiful tennis courts for you, immersed in our beautiful landscape, where you can enjoy the royal game of Majorca. And you’ll find it’s playing very well in the tranquility of our hotel